Create Account

If you have an account, please LOGIN above

STEP 1.1: Please fill out the requested information to create an account in our system.  After you verify your account, you can continue to register for a trip.  You will need the trip id provided by your tour leader.

Need Help Registering?  Click on the video below for step by step instructions.

You agree to receive text messages regarding any trips details such as meeting reminders, payment reminders or any trip details such as itinerary changes prior to and during the trip. If you do not wish to receive messages or if you will not have a phone on the trip, select No.

Parent/Guardian Information


Student Information

Since my child is under age, I agree to allow him/her to receive text messages from school's Trip Leader, the Student Adventures Tour Guide and/or Student Adventures on-tour partners while traveling with School. If you do not wish your child to receive messages or if they will not have a phone on the trip, select No.

Accept Terms and Continue
I accept the Terms and Conditions


You have only filled out only the Parent section of the registration. Most of our registrants are students. If you are a student trying to register for a trip, please use the back button to provide us with your parent or legal guardian's information. If you are over 18, please check the box below to continue.

I verify that I am at least 18 years old.

Confirm Information
Please confirm that the infomation below is correct. If not, please press the back button to make any necessary corrections.


You should receive a confirmation email a few minutes after clicking submit.

Please Wait while we process your account creation.

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